The UDS Debate and Civic Education Society was formed in the year 2013 with Master Emmanuel Kwateng as the first president and Prof. Israel Dzomeku as the first patron of the club. The total membership stood at eight (8) at the time of formation. The society now boast of over sixty(60) active members.
The vision of the University of Development Studies is well captured in the society’s motto; “Debate for development”. You can follow their work and activities here
The society have civic education in its name because it has the duty to engage in civic education in creating Civic awareness. Due to this, the society maintains a good relationship with the National commission on Civic Education, Ghana Integrity Initiative and other bodies that seek to encourage civic development.
In 2014 they made their debut at the inaugural Ghana Universities Debate Championship, which was hosted by University of Ghana. They performed remarkably well for a novice delegation. In 2018 they earned the right to host the 5th Ghana Universities Debate Championship (GUDC) for the first time in the Northern part of Ghana. The society demonstrated excellent organizational capacity to overcome the myriad of challenges they faced.
The Haramattan Open in February 2020 was the first internally organized competition and with it, ushered in a robust internal reformation that seeks to transform the society’s competitive reputation in Africa in the next few years.
As a society with development in their DNA, The UDS Debate and Civic Education Society is creating an environment for quality speaking training and an active culture for social consciousness for the university community. Through thoughtful intellectual engagement, they are reforming problematic attitudes in their communities.
Growth has been steady and uncertain in the past. But now, the UDS Debate and Civic Education Society has begun the push for greater heights!
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